Name: Sauron Gender: Male God of: Hunger Side: Neutral Turf: The Cove Color: Yellow and Purple Worshiper Clothing: Yellow Sauron is a playable character in Primal Rage. He is one of the T-Rex characters in the game. He is the God of hunger. Sauron uses sound powers mostly for his Primal Scream and Stun Roar. Sauron also is the strongest character in the game, however he is the slowest character in the game because of this. He was awakened from his slumber in the cataclysm. When he went to the surface of the Urth he noticed the humans and that he also noticed that he had to eat their flesh to remain immortal. So he is fighting to conquer all the humans so he can stay immortal forever.
Special Moves:
Symbol Legend:
1: Button 1 | 2: Button 2 | 3: Button 3 | 4: Button 4 | U: Up | F: Forwards | D: Down | B: Backwards So for direction UF means "Up-Forwards", DB mean "Down-Backwards", etc.
Stun Roar: Hold 1+3 D, DF, F Sauron shoots out a sound wave which brings down the brain stem a lot but doesn't hurt as much. Can be used for keeping your opponent at a distance.
Primal Scream:Hold 1+3 D, U Sauron will roar and a shield will surround him if the opponent touches Sauron like this than they will fly back and lose a lot of there brain stem, however like stun roar this move dosn't hurt much. All projectiles will pass through Sauron while the move is executing.
Earthquake Stomp: Hold 1+2+4 U, D Sauron will jump into the air and crash into the floor causing the floor to crack and the opponent if they are not blocking or in the air to fly into the sky and can be an opener for the primal scream or the cranium crusher. This move can be done in the air.
Cranium Crusher: Hold 1+4 D, U Sauron will leap into the air with his head flying into the air, this move is reminiscent of the shoryuken from Street Fighter.
Air Throw: Tap 2+4 If Sauron and his opponent are in the air then tapping 2+4 will cause Sauron to grab his opponent with his jaws and then he will throw the opponent to the floor.
Leaping Bone Bash: Hold 2+3 D, U, D Sauron will leap into the air and try to land on his opponent. If he lands on his opponent than he will latch onto there back and rip a chunk of meat from them and then jump into the air.
Neck Throw: Hold 2+4 F, B Sauron will try to grab his opponents neck with his jaws. If he does he will shake the opponent and then he will throw them over his head.
Chomp a Human: Hold all four buttons D, D, U Sauron will chomp down low and if a human is in his jaws he will eat them to regain some health. (Can also hurt the opponent.)
Carnage: Hold All Four Buttons B, F, B, F, B Sauron will walk up to his opponent and he will open his jaws shaking his opponent violently. Blood pours out of his opponent and then he will begin to roar while his opponent will fall normally.
Flesh Eating: Hold 1+4 D, D then Hold All Four Buttons U, U Sauron's opponent will fall down and die and he will move to his opponent and put his foot on them roaring like his normal win pose but instead of sniffing the body, he will begin to eat it.
Grape Crusher (Version 2.3 Only): Hold All Four Buttons U, D, U, D, D Saurons opponent will fall down like normal. Sauron will then walk to his downed opponent and will perform an earthquake stomp animation on top of the opponent crushing them and sending his opponents flesh and bones all over.
Final Version:
Sauron's EndingSauron's Ending Picture
Prototype Version:
Sauron was discovered when just a baby by a clan of peaceful villagers. He quickly developed a taste for human flesh, and when finished with that first village, went out in search of more humans to devour. The rest of the human population quickly sought refuge with other rulers. Soon Sauron had no choice but to defeat the others in order to be able to feast on their followers. Now that he has devoured most of the land, he sets off in quest of new lands, and new meals...