Name: Chaos Gender: Male God of: Decay Side: Destructive Dinos Turf: The Ruins Color: Orange and Grey Worshiper Clothing: Yellow Chaos is a playable character in Primal Rage. He is one of the ape characters in the game. He has disgusting moves such as farting and vomiting as projectiles. He is more of a rushdown compared to Blizzard who is much slower then Chaos. Chaos is the only character that was a human before becoming a God. Chaos is the god of decay. He was ounce a human, a mighty shaman who tried to mess with the evolution of man. The gods seeing this where angered and thus made his spell backfire into him to turn him into Chaos. Chaos like the other gods was taken into their weakness and was trapped in a pile of his own excrement praying to the god Throshti to end his torment and regain his humanity. Throshti told him in order for him to regain humanity he has to defeat the other gods and conquer the Urth.
Special Moves:
Symbol Legend:
1: Button 1 | 2: Button 2 | 3: Button 3 | 4: Button 4 | U: Up | F: Forwards | D: Down | B: Backwards So for direction UF means "Up-Forwards", DB mean "Down-Backwards", etc.
Battering Ram: Hold 1+3 F, F Chaos will charge into his opponent and knock them off of their feet. Great for used in combos.
Grab-N-Throw: Hold 2+4 F, B Chaos will try to grab his opponent and when he does will hold tightly onto their neck and then throw them over his head.
Power Puke (Slow): Hold 2+3 U, F Chaos will use projectile vomit that is going at a slow speed to attack his opponent.
Power Puke (Fast): Hold 1+4 U, F Chaos will use projectile vomit that is going at a fast speed to attack his opponent.
Fart of Fury: Hold 2+3 D, DF, F, FU, U, FB, B Chaos will do a handstand and fart a big gas cloud. If this cloud touches the opponent their brain stem will be drained. Good to keep your opponent from moving so you can do a combo.
Ground Shaker: Hold 2+3 B, BF, BD Chaos will take his hands jumping up and smash into the ground thus making the opponent fly into the sky. (Can also be done in the Air)
Flying Butt Smack: Hold 2+4 D, DF, F, UF, U, UF, F, DF Chaos will jump into the air and try to land on his opponent.
Chomp a Human. Hold all four buttons F, D, B, U Chaos will try to grab a human. If one is in his grasp he will eat them to regain health. (Can also hurt the opponent)
The Golden Showers: Hold 1+3 D,D Then press all four buttons B, F, B, F Chaos opponent will fall like normal however Chaos will then walk up to his opponent and lift his leg and piss on them. His piss is so acidic that it burns the flesh from his opponent leaving only the bones. (Cannot be done in the SNES Version)
Cannonball: Hold all four buttons and press BD, UF, DF, BD Chaos will get bored and jump into the water to take a swim which isn't really a fatality. (Cannot be done in stages without water)
The Churl (Version 2.3 Only): Hold all four buttons and press B, F, B, F, B Chaos' opponent will fall down and Chaos will then vomit a slow power puke and walk off screen to the other side he will then swallow his own vomit.
Final Version:
Chaos' EndingChaos' Ending Picture
Prototype Version:
Chaos was the mightiest witch doctor on the first continent. He prayed for power and Throshti, god of carrion, heard his prayers. Unwilling to let him have power without a price, he changed Chaos into a vicious beast. Hated by those who once loved him, Chaos could only lift his curse by defeating the six most powerful creatures alive. Now, his task completed, he regains control of his life, and leads his tribe to greatness. One day, though, his people will be threatened, and he will have to persue power again...