Name: Armadon Gender: Male God of: Life Side: Virtuous Beasts Turf: The Hollows Color: Tan/Beige Worshiper Clothing: Green Armadon is a playable character in Primal Rage. He is one of the hybrid dinosaurs in the game being a cross between a Triceratops, Stegosaurus, and Ankylasaurus. He is a tank like character with move that do a lot of damage but have much higher frame times because of his higher damage. He has a really high damaging move called the Iron Maiden which can take down a lot of health in a matter of seconds. Armadon is the god of life and wishes only to help the planet. Armadon has seen what has happened to the Urth he once knew, which is now rubble and destruction with no room for life. Armadon wishes to bring peace to the lands by destroying the other gods before the Urth becomes lifeless.
Special Moves:
Symbol Legend:
1: Button 1 | 2: Button 2 | 3: Button 3 | 4: Button 4 | U: Up | F: Forwards | D: Down | B: Backwards So for direction UF means "Up-Forwards", DB mean "Down-Backwards", etc.
Flying Spikes: Hold 2+4 B, U Armadon will kneel down and shoot a bunch of spikes from his tail to smack into his opponent.
Bed-O-Nails: Hold 2+3 D, U Armadon will curl into a ball and push his spikes on his back out so that he may stay protected. If the opponent touches Armadon like this they will fly. This move can be held if 2+4 is hold down longer but after a while Armadon will get out of the move. This is a self defense move.
Iron Maiden: Hold 2+3 B, U, F Armadon will leap into the air and put his back toward the ground so that he may land on his opponent with his back spikes. This move is one of the strongest moves in the game and one of the most annoying ones.
Rushing Uppercut: Hold 1+3 B, D, F Armadon will charge into his opponent and when he stops either from traveling to far or touching his opponent he will use an uppercut that will launch his opponent if they touch it.
Hornication Uppercut: Hold 1+2+3 DF, F, UF Armadon will do an uppercut by jumping into the air with his horn facing into his opponent.
Gut Gouger: Hold 1+2+3 F, B Armadon will try to use his horn to grab into his opponent. If he does then he will throw his opponent using his horn over his head.
Spinning Death: Hold 1+4 B, D, FD Armadon will curl up into a ball and fling himself at his opponent and if he touches them they will fly.
Chomp a Human: Hold all four buttons U, F Armadon will try to smack his spike tail into the floor to try and latch it onto a human. He he does he will lift his tail to his mouth and eat the impaled human to regain some health. (Can also hurt the opponent)
Meditation: Hold all four buttons and press F, D, B, F, F Armadon will walk up to his opponent and curl into a ball like Bed-O-Nails but instead he will meditate so hard that electricity will surge from his body into his spikes and finally into his opponent in which the electricity will fry his opponent into a statue which will then break.
Gut Fling: Hold 1+2+3 D, D, D, D, U Armadon's opponent will fall like normal and Armadon will go up to his fallen opponents body roar and then will proceed to use his horn to fling his opponents guts and flesh around.
Impaler (Version 2.3 Only): Armadon's opponent will fall normally and Armadon will walk toward them. He then curls into a ball and shoots his back spikes into his opponent which will impale them.
Final Version:
Armadon's EndingArmadon's Ending Picture
Prototype Version:
For over a million years, Armadon had lived peacefully in his cave beneath the Earth's crust, telepathically linked to the biomass. The cataclysms and the battles for supremacy over the changing planet tortured him, so he rose up to settle things once and for all. Now that the threat has passed, he settles down into the ground to enjoy some well deserved rest. The land is scarred, but calm for now...